Joining the words “man” and “explain”, society has coined the perfect term to use when a male feels the need to tell you how things are done or how they work. And it’s safe to assume that many people—men and women alike—have experienced what it’s like to listen to someone “mansplain” things.One of the many problems with that is, you really have to know when or—more importantly—who to mansplain things to. That has been emphasized by a new internet trend where women let a guy mansplain something to them, only to show that that something is (related to) how they make a living themselves.
Scroll down to find some viral examples of the trend on the list below, and see for yourself why it might be better to ask if a person knows how things work, before jumping to conclusions that they don’t and that they’re waiting for you to tell them.
On the list below, you will also find Bored Panda’s interview with one of the women that went viral on TikTok for her video of “letting the guy explain”, neurosurgeon Betsy Grunch, MD, better known as Ladyspinedoc, who was kind enough to share her thoughts on the trend.