JOKE OF THE DAY: A guy suspects his wife is cheating on him

JOKE OF THE DAY: A guy suspects his wife is cheating on him, so he comes home early from work one day. His wife meets him at the door in a bathrobe, her hair a mess. “Where is he?” he demands. “Where’s the guy who’s been sleeping with you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, dear,” she answers. So the guy tears the house apart, looking for him. Finally, he’s on the second floor in the kitchen, and he looks out the window and sees a guy sitting in a Volkswagen.

That’s him,” the guy thinks. “That’s the guy who’s been sleeping with my wife!” Furious, he picks up the refrigerator, throws it out the window, has a heart attack, and dies.

“That’s him,” the guy thinks. “That’s the guy who’s been sleeping with my wife!” Furious, he picks up the refrigerator, throws it out the window, has a heart attack, and dies.

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St. Peter meets him at the gates of Heaven. “Why are you here?” he asks, and the guy answers, “I knew my wife was cheating on me, so I came home early. I saw her boyfriend sitting in his Volkswagen out on the street, threw the refrigerator at him, had a heart attack, and died.” St. Peter scowls and says, “You don’t belong here. Go to hell.” He pulls a big lever, a trapdoor opens, and the guy disappears.

A couple of minutes later, another guy comes up to St. Peter at the gates of Heaven. “What are you doing here?” St. Peter asks, and the guy answers, “I don’t know! I was just sitting in my Volkswagen, minding my own business, when somebody threw a refrigerator at me!” St. Peter wags his finger at him and says, “I heard about you. You go to hell too!” He pulls the big lever, the trapdoor opens, and the guy disappears.

A couple of minutes later, another guy comes up to St. Peter at the gates of Heaven. “What are you doing here?” St. Peter asks.

The guy scratches his head and says, “Honestly, I have no idea. I was minding my own business, just sitting in this refrigerator…”

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