England Patriots teammate stepped away from ESPN to battle a mystery illness.
Last week ESPN announced that Moss, who typically works on their Sunday NFL
Countdown program, is leaving the show temporarily to focus on a ‘personal
health challenge.
While exactly what he’s going through remains unclear, the Hall of Fame wide
receiver wore sunglasses on his last Sunday NFL Countdown appearance
after admitting he was ‘battling something internally.
Tributes have poured in for him since ESPN confirmed he is stepping away from
the network, including from rival analysts over on Fox Sports.
Two of his former teammates, Brady and Rob Gronkowski, are currently working
for Fox, and the pair were on hand with heartfelt messages for Moss during their
latest broadcast on Sunday.
One of the all-time great teammates and friends, in touch to this day,’ Brady said.
‘Our heart obviously is with you, our prayers, all our positive energy.
Tom Brady
Randy Moss