Currently, most hotels have a check-in time of 2:00 PM or later. However, the check-out time is usually set before 12:00 PM. In spite of not being a full 24 hours, hotels still use this time frame to calculate a full day of stay for guests.
This policy is applied across the hotel industry worldwide, from budget inns to luxury hotels.
Why Choose Check-In at 2:00 PM and Check-Out at 12:00 PM the Next Day?
A lot of people book hotel rooms for rest. Midnight is often used as the midpoint. Therefore, a stay from 2:00 PM the previous day to 12:00 PM the next day is considered acceptable. Especially, when advertising, hotels state the rate per night rather than per day.
For example, if a guest checks in at 5:00 AM, the hotel cannot ask them to leave at 3:00 AM the following day, as that would be in the middle of the night. Even if the guest agrees to check out at night, the hotel would likely not find new bookings at that time. Therefore, standardizing check-in and check-out times helps hotels optimize their operations and create convenience for guests.